We are open next to the Action!!!

Ostrava, you have finally arrived and after long preparations we have opened a new entertainment center Futurooms in OC Futurum on 15.10. The entrance is located between the Rossmann drugstore and the Action store. The entrance can’t be missed as there are ice panels that inform you that this is the entrance with impressive graphics.

Reservations are running and you can book for both Prison Island and Vex VR.

We look forward to your visit.

Prison Island






Novinářská 3178/6,
Moravská Ostrava a Přívoz,
702 00

Opening hours

Monday to Thursday

From 1:00 pm to 9:00 pm


From 1:00 pm to 10:00 pm


From 10:00 am to 10:00 pm


From 10:00 am to 8:00 pm

Write to us

    How to reach us

    • From Opava
    • From Havířov
    • From Bohumín
    • From Opava you drive towards Komárov, Hrabyni and Velká Polom towards Ostrava. After arriving in Ostrava-Poruby, continue towards Svinovské mosty and then to Mariánské Hory. At the Harmony Hotel, turn left at the traffic lights, and you will already see OC Futurum in front of you.
    • From the large roundabout near the Havířov train station, take Ostravská Street towards Ostrava and then join Rudná Street. Upon reaching Hornbach, turn onto Místecká Street towards Ostrava – centrum and then onto Varenská Street. After about 500 metres you will see OC Futurum on your right.
    • From Bohumín, take the D1 motorway towards Ostrava. Take exit 361 on the I. class road 56. At the next roundabout, take the first exit towards Mariánskohorská Street. Then go down Novinářská Street, from where you will see the OC Futurum.
    • Tram
    • Bus
    • Trolleybus
    • Lines 4, 8 and 12, the stop Dům energetiky
      4 8 12
    • Line 37 changing to 39, Dům energetiky stop
      37 39
    • Line 107, 108 and 109, the stops Dům vodohospodářů or Futurum
      107 108 109

    You can find us in Futurum between Tesco and Action.